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Contexto Today (SOLVED)

Looking for Contexto today? We are going to leave you some clues so that before seeing the solution to Contexto today you try to solve it yourself, but if there is no way, we will tell you what is the Contexto answer today. Contexto game is the trendy word game in Canada, every day you can play to discover a new word with very basic rules.

What’s Contexto word today?

We have compiled the list of Contexto answers for each day so that you know the solution to all the Contexto words. What is the word Contexto today? Our Contexto helper can tell you all about you need to solve Contexto today.

Contexto 01–21–25

Below you have available a table with all the answers to the Contexto game so that you can also solve the different challenges in the Contexto archive mode.

Here is the Contexto answer today, released on 01/21/2025:

Play Contexto Game


How is the word order defined in Contexto Game?

The game uses an artificial intelligence algorithm and thousands of texts to calculate the similarity of the words in relation to the word of the day. Not necessarily it is related to the meaning of the words, but to the proximity in which they are used on the internet. For example, if the word of the day were “infinite”, words related to “love” or words related to “universe” might be close to the word of the day because “infinite” is commonly used in those two different contexts. In similar reasoning, if “tv” and “television”, for example, are in very different positions, it means that they are used differently in relation to the word of the day, despite being the same object.

How can I ask for a hint in Contexto Game?

Click on the three dots located on the upper right corner of the screen and select the option “Hint” and it will reveal one word.

I couldn’t figure the word out. Can I see what the word of the day is?

In case you don’t want to keep trying to guess the word, you have the option to give up. In order to do it, click on the three dots located on the upper right corner of the screen and select the option “Give up”. The word of the day will be displayed on the screen.

I want to play Contexto more than one game a day, is that possible?

Yes. It is possible to play the games of previous days since Contexto launch day or to play a random game. To do so, click on the three dots located on the upper right corner of the screen and select the option “Previous games”. You can choose the game of some specific day or play on random mode.

I couldn’t play yesterday. Can I still play yesterday’s Contexto game?

Yes, the previous games can be played anytime. To do so, click on the three dots located on the upper right corner of the screen and select the option “Previous games”. You can choose the game of some specific day or play on random mode.

I want to play Contexto in another language, how can I do that?

Click on the three dots located on the upper right corner of the screen and select “Settings” to change the language.